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:new: AMG TRUS SAYA INGET SAMA LAGU INI [link] :iconpapcryplz: :new:

Duh judulnya apaan sih ngga jelas :iconpapcryplz: trus ini panjangnya ngga kira-kira sampe kayak tiang hnnnn maaffffffff ;;;;

Oke, jadi ini critanya setting waktu sebelum komik yang ini.
Med pergi dan pindah ke London karena dia mau wawancara kerja di MI6 (tapi tentunya dia ngga bilang hal itu ke Neil; bilangnya sih mau kerja di rumah sakit manaaa gitu dan jadi apaaaa gitu ngga jelas >mungkin. -plak-)
Russ udah pulang duluan ke London sebelumnya. Trus Med pergi. Bed pergi. Pearl katanya mau balik juga ke kerajaannya.
Reece katanya suka bersih-bersih rumah Neil, tapi setelah bertahun-tahun begini, saya ngga tau apakah dia masih suka mampir atau engga.
Om Polo juga, apakah akhirnya dia menikah dengan she-hulk dan tinggal di planet lain?
Kalaupun itu terjadi, maka...

Suwung pisannnnnnn :iconforeveraloneplz: tapi ndak apa-apa. (?)

Dan kenapa Neil keliatan lebih shota di sini? :icony-u-notearplz: oh anggaplah ini Neil masih 14 taunan, dan dia tumbuh pesat pas menjelang umur 15 hohahahahaha /plak
Akhirnya bisa gambar ini juga :iconsawbplz: setelah didera hujan UTS dan tugas
Masih banyak yang musti dikerjakan hnnnnn;;;;
Tapi ini hari libur dan saya ingin libur, okay? :iconpapcryplz: imma use this day to roll over on my bed and so on sobsobsob

Neil Montgomery and O (c) ~Incross
Median Buttler (c) ~curious23neko

crappy English Translation for the dialogue

O: Ice cream, ice cream~ ehehe
Neil: Don't drop it, O.

Bandung, Indonesia
--- 01:00 PM

O: Want to try it, Neil? It's yummy~
Neil: Now that you've licked it all over? No, thanks. A cab?
O: Miss Med, we're home~ Neil bought me an ice cream~ ehehe
Neil: Huh? Hey, Med. Those bags are...
Med: Eh? Oh, you boys came in the right time.
Neil: Wait, what happened? Is somebody going to be away?
Med: Huh? Eh? Yeah, it's me.
Neil: Wait, wha--?! But why?
Med: I'll tell you on the way. Help me carry those bags, Neil.
Neil: Huh? Huh?
Med: Uhhh nothing's left at the house, right. Books, lingeries... hnnn;;; You remember, when I told you I applied for a job in London?
Neil: Y, yeah.
Med: Well, this morning, an e-mail came in and it says that I passed the initial selection. Two days from now I have to be there for my interview. I was lucky I could get a flight in this given time... I was surprised. I didn't expect to pass it, so I took it easy all this time. If everything goes well, I can start working the very next day. This is a very rare opportunity; I don't want to miss it.
Driver: Are these all, miss? Anything you forget, maybe?
Med: Yes, these are all. And, no, I hope I don't. Could you please put this in the cabin...
Med: ...Err, okay. That's it, then. Good bye, Neil, O!
Neil: Eh? Y, yeah...
O: miss Med...... waahhh

And so, just like that, that cab went away, leaving their house
O: Miss Med.... waaahhhhh sob sob
Neil: Cut it out, O!
Neil: Now what? I can't cook... I have to look for the washing machine's manual booklet and the phone number of catering, then
Neil: Really now, Med. She probably hasn't prepared anything for our lunch. From now on, no one will remind me to have meals, huh? I often get too caught up in my works, so...
Neil: From now on.... I'll be alone, huh? This house, has it always been this quiet before?
Neil: ...Wait, what am I thinking about? It's not like I'm going to be completely all alone, anyway. O is still here, and also there's a plenty of neighbours. Yes, I still have to do a lot of things; no time for being like this!
Neil: Huh? A car...?
Neil: W, what is it, Med?</i>
Med: There's something I forgot! ...I forgot to say a proper good-bye to you. I'm sorry for leaving so sudden like this. Starting today, you may encounter many obstacles because of me. You're a nice and diligent boy. I'm sure you can deal with it in no time, but... Sorry... I'm just... sorry.
Neil: This is what she's waited for all this time...
Neil: Go on, Med. Don't think of me. Do your best for the interview and later tests. I believe in you.



kinda =_=""
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